Volunteer with us and join THE DREAM! Be part of a movement that takes pride in their environment, looks after their heritage, historical places and natural habitats, creates better futures for our young people, and rebuilds community spirit!
Make friends, learn new skills, improve your health, and get a breath of fresh air, by volunteering with us!
To volunteer, get in touch and come along to a volunteer event/day.

Beaurepaire Medieval Manor House was a dilapidated, unloved ruin on the outskirts of Bearpark, Co. Durham. Now, we have the 'Beaurepaire Volunteers' group, who have been transforming the site into a much-loved heritage gem.
We'd appreciate volunteers to garden, to fundraise, to research, to run music/arts events, become tour guides and help create a heritage centre!
Site gardening days usually happen every fortnight.
Why not email us at: dreamheritagecic@gmail.com to find out more!

The Hawdon was built in 1923 as a community centre with reading rooms, billiard room, and dance hall.
When we got involved, the building was in a sad state, having had little maintenance.
Today, we are getting volunteers to paint, refurbish and redecorate the Hawdon into a community space, Youth Hub (365 days a year youth provision), and function room.
We'd appreciate volunteers to paint and redecorate. We'd also appreciate skilled volunteers in joinery, carpentry, kitchens, plastering and decorating.
Interested, then email us at: dreamheritagecic@gmail.com

Looking after our environment is important, and litter-picking helps to protect the environment from plastics & waste. A clean and well maintained street scene also makes happier people-it's true!
Volunteers are needed to litter-pick around Goole and the surrounding DN14 area. The litter-picking trailer is available for use, and we are looking for a couple of people who'd like to lead the litter-picking group!
Think this might be for you, then email us at: dreamheritagecic@gmail.com

In Stanhope lies one of the last remaining Methodist Chapels in Weardale, Co. Durham. This chapel and schoolrooms are impressive structures with so much potential for serving the community more!
The Chapel's auditorium style lay-out would make a fantastic concert venue, and the school rooms would be a great social space for community groups, cooking workshops, youth group and more! The first priority is saving the buidling fabric, improving access, and raising community interest!
Volunteers needed for gardening, fundraising, publicising, labouring, painting and organising events.
Interested? Email them at:

The small village of Drax is one of the most interesting places but is often overlooked by its name-sake Drax Power Station.
The village church is a mix of generations of human activity, with saxon, medieval, and 19th century additions and alterations. Most impressive is its clerestory from Drax Abbey, and its very decorative medieval pew ends.
The church needs volunteers to look after the church grounds-its graves, wildlife, and biodiversity-, fundraise, research, help lead events, and help conserve the building.
Interested in looking after local wildlife & heritage at Drax, then email us at: dreamheritagecic@gmail.com to find out about up and comin opportunities!

The Parish Church at Carlton, is one of two churches built by the family of Carlton Towers. The story goes that two brothers each wanted to build a church, but one was Catholic and the other Proetstant. The two churches are very close to each other, and are very like in appearance, often causing confusion.
The Parish Church runs concerts, events, cafe church, and a mix of other activities. However, its grounds and building do need more maintenance, and volunteers are needed to fundraise, garden and help conserve the building.
Email: dreamheritagecic@gmail.com to express your interest

Trinity Methodist Church in Goole comprises of Church and School rooms.
Today the School rooms are hired out every day of the week, supporting the community with a functional, pleasant and accessible space for theatre, events, concerts, church gatherings, youth club and more!
The Church building however has been left to the elements, and does require significant work to save.
We need volunteers to help adopt the garden and grounds of the church. We also need fundraisers and labourers to help with improving the external fabric of the building & organising fundraising events.
Interested? Then email your interest to: joseph.kwallah@methodist.org.uk

St Bede's Cemetery has some of the oldest surviving graves in Durham, and a collection of Common Wealth War Graves.
Currently overgrown and unkempt, volunteers are needed to help garden, conserve, labour, rsearch and fundraise, so that the site can become a well-managed garden and wildlife area.
Love the outdoors and want to improve your overall health and help look after wildlife? Then email us at: dreamheritagecic@gmail.com to find out the next volunteering activities.

At Chapel Height in Durham, are the ruins of the Chapel of St Mary Magdalene. This ruin is unloved and unappreciated, but has the potential to become an accessible historic gem, with information boards and medieval-inspired herb garden.
Volunteers needed to garden, fundraise and generate publicity.
Fancy being invovled, then email: dreamheritagecic@gmail.com

Howden is a quaint small town in the East Riding, with impressive history. Once part of the Palatinate of Durham, the Minster had one of the first grammar schools.
Work has already started to record the graffiti and marks left behind by these school boys. They've carved initials, fottprints, and handprints in the lead and stonework. These rather personal reminders would be a great thing to explore in depth, and we are calling for volunteers to research, curate and display the stories of these school boys.
Thinking research and curating is something you'd like to do, then email us at: dreamheritagecic@gmail.com

The city of Durham is tightly fitted on a peninsular, with the river Wear wound around the city. In medieval times there were terraced gardens from the river to the city, but today much of what is known as 'Necklace Park' is hidden under bramble and ivy.
We are looking for strong-willed individuals to get agreements and permissions to incrementally restore areas of these former gardens.
Sounds like the job for you, then drop us an email to: dreamheritagecic@gmail.com

The former St Matthew's Parish Hall, on Boulevard, Hull, has been taken over by Hull YFC. They hope to incrementally restore the building, to make it an amazing asset to the community.
Already making such a massive difference to the community, volunteers are needed to help paint, decorate, clean, garden, fundraise, and more! Skilled volunteers in joinery, carpentry, electrics, and conservation also appreciated.
Interested, then why not drop an email to: office@hullyfc.co.uk

St James' Church and Standering Hall in Selby, N. Yorks were built for the the local people of Selby by local philanthropists James Audus and Miss Standering. The church was to be free of 'pew rents' like at the nearby Selby Abbey, and was in time referred to as the Railwaymen's Church. The Hall was created to serve the church and its mission, and both it and the church are in a period of refurbishment to bring the spaces 'Back To Life'. We at Dream have already been invovled a number of repairs & conservation works on the church, but there is much volunteer activity going on to for you to get involved in to bring back the Hall into use! Love DIY, then this is definitely for you! Contact: parish.office.stjames@gmail.com to express interest.

St Mary's Church of Birkin and Beal is a Norman Church of oustanding beauty, still with its original Norman apse! We have been involved in stained glass window repairs and mortar re-pointing in the church so far, to make the space much more aesthetically pleasing, usable, less-drafty and comfortable. However, the local community have much greater dreams! The space has been made versatile by underfloor ground source heating and the creation of a cafe area. It frequently hosts a variety of events from charity catwalks, to bingo nights, to fairs, and creative workshops! A local friends group look after its grounds and makes sure it is opened & closed every day, but they need volunteers to wipe away the cobwebs and give it a good, well-needed spring clean... could this be you?
To help why not drop an email of interest to: deb.penny@sky.com

Friends of West Park in Goole have done amazing work bringing back the park into use. It is today a wonderful community asset, hosting a variety of events and activities throughout the year. However, it hasn't got this far without the help of its volunteers! With Vintage Day, Brass Band Concerts, Fun Days, Car Boot Days, and Goole 2026 coming up, they need your help! Why not get in touch with them on: friendsofwestpark@outlook.com to volunteer.
25th November 24

30th November 24

16th November 24

29th November 24

20th November 24

from 11th November 24

23rd October 24



12th October 24

18th October 24

18th & 19th October 24

- 10/07/24: 1-4pm Beaurepaire Medieval Manor House Gardening & Site Day, at Beaurepaire Ruins, Bearpark, Durham. All welcome, though under 16s must be accompanied by an adult. Tools and equipment provided, but you are welcome to bring your own.
- 17/07/24: 1-4pm Beaurepaire Medieval Manor House Gardening & Site Day, at Beaurepaire Ruins, Bearpark, Durham. All welcome, though under 16s must be accompanied by an adult. Tools and equipment provided, but you are welcome to bring your own.
- 21/07/24: 12-4pm. Litter Pick during Vintage In The Park, in West Park, Goole, E. Yorks. Litterpicks will be available for those on the day who would love to help support the event and keep the park clean during and after the event!