"what a wonderful newsletter"
What a wonderful news letter. Thank you, I enjoyed reading it and learning a lot about your work in the community.
With best wishes to you both and thank you for all you are doing in the local community.

"much appreciated"
Hi John & Rebekah
We’ve been following you this last year with everything you’ve been involved with, and you look to be doing some great things.
Indeed the work you did has already been much appreciated, especially when it's windy!

"fantastic work"
As County Councillor for the Deerness ward I have taken quite an interest in this project as Bearpark is part of the ward. I also live in Bearpark so the interest to two fold.
Beaurepaire is a very important part of village life, I like other residents are proud of the history that surrounds it.
When Rebecca approached me as Councillor I was immediately struck by the idea of bringing this much loved “ruin” as it’s lovingly known in the village back to how it was many years ago.
The exploration that is being undertaken by Dream Community Charity is essential, for the history of Beaurepaire not only forms an important part of British History but also the reason why the village got its name.
The work on the Manor House has brought about much Community Engagement, bringing together residents from all parts of the village .
Dreams work in the Community has also led to Primary schools in the area taking part in events ,projects and enabling children to sample the life of the soldiers who took part in the Battle of Nevilles Cross.
The research being undertaken by Volunteers is another exciting and major part of this project. This alone is giving residents the opportunity to learn new skills, to pass skills on to others and is also serving as a means to reduce Social Isolation for some of the older residents in the area.
Dream Heritage CIC are doing fantastic work within the Village and the benefits can be seen by the quantity of residents who are now adding a visit to Beaurepaire on their daily walk. Long may it continue.
Yours Sincerely
Councillor Marion Wilson
Marion Wilson

"very impressed"
Hi Rebecca-so-enjoyed the walk-talk! Many thanks-have a good weekend! X (LOCAL RESIDENT, KIMBLESWORTH, C.DURHAM) Hi Rebecca. Thanks so much for a brilliant bimble this evening, really enjoyed the walk and the way you invited input from Dave and Maureen as we went along, it was fabulous. Shall be keen to hear how the prospects for opening up Langley Hall progress. I’m following DREAM on Facebook but would love to receive any email newsletters you send out too. Many thanks again! (LOCAL RESIDENT, LANGLEY PARK,
“I was at the site earlier today and very impressed by how much work had been done, the amount of scrub and bushes cleared. Thanks for all your & the other volunteers hard work”
Hi, I found DREAM though doing research for Beaurepaire (or Beau Repair?). I was just at the site again the other day and it looks great! It is so much more open and accessible now. So much more of it is visible and the removal of the overgrowth will massively help the conservation of the stone and reduce further damage. Well done, and thank you! (LOCAL RESIDENT, C.DURHAM)
Hi Rebecca-so-enjoyed the walk-talk! Many thanks-have a good weekend! X (LOCAL RESIDENT, KIMBLESWORTH, C.DURHAM) Hi Rebecca. Thanks so much for a brilliant bimble this evening, really enjoyed the walk and the way you invited input from Dave and Maureen as we went along, it was fabulous. Shall be keen to hear how the prospects for opening up Langley Hall progress. I’m following DREAM on Facebook but would love to receive any email newsletters you send out too. Many thanks again! (LOCAL RESIDENT, LANGLEY PARK, C,DURHAM

"good job"
Here is the message I wrote after first finding the site. I sent it to the County Archaeologist, Commercial Archaeology Teams and the Council but received no reply. Most of the hard work has been done now it seems. Again, great job! (See below)
‘Dear Sir/Madam, I was recently pleased to discover the remains of the Prior's House and chapel of Beaurepaire. However I was a little concerned and saddened in some respects. Firstly as to how difficult it was to get to the site given how overgrown the tracks are, and indeed as to the lack of signage to indicate the existence and location of the site. Having found the ruins I again could not help but be surprised as to how overgrown the vegetation had become, causing a good deal of the site to be obscured in places and making other areas inaccessible. I found evidence of fires, graffiti and litter around the site which much detracted from the experience. Also several stones, some quite large, had seemingly been dislodged. All of this gave me great concern as to the level of preservation and conservation that is being spent on this fantastic historic site. I am currently a stonemason at Durham Cathedral and I have also worked with Cadw in Wales. I would be gladdened to see more protection offered to this site and more information on display. Perhaps this could prevent further damage to the buildings remains. Indeed the historic sites I visited and worked on with Cadw, many in remote locations, were often protected by fences that were opened for the public by custodians. I believe just about every one of the historic sites under the care of Cadw displays signs, firstly giving information as to the historic significance of the site, and secondly, displaying warnings as to the fact it would be a criminal act to cause damage to the site. I realise that there are many historic sites in the area that may be in need of care and attention and only limited recourses to carry this out. Nevertheless I felt it was my duty to share these concerns with the team there.’

"you guys are amazing!"
Just looking through your photo book and i just want to say THANK YOU. I am a Bearpark girl although I no longer live there now but the ruins are a huge part of my childhood. I’ve spent many of hours up there as a child and it is so nice to see it being brought back to life. Its stood too long on the top of the hill forgot about. Keep up the good work you guys are amazing.
Hi I love my walks to beaurepaire in bearpark and I noticed last time I was here that it had been cleaned up a bit. I live local and come here regular and am actually here now and see there are people working to help make it better so i found you on Facebook and was wondering what I have to do to join I would love to help in any way

"the difference you are making... is amazing!"
“This all looks great! Keep going as the difference you are making to the site and the project overall is amazing!
Best wishes,
L. Keenan, Headmistress at St Joseph’s School, Ushaw Moor”
Hi Rebecca, Sorry for such a late reply. It is always so busy in school. The children did really enjoy the day - it was a shame the weather was against us. I think it will be something they remember. And thanks for your kind comments regarding the school. We would like to continue and grow our link with DREAM and history in our local community. I will ask staff for any ideas they might have regarding possible opportunities. Off the top of my head the history of the pit and railway spring to mind. I am intending my class to learn about history on the doorstep in the Summer term - any input into that would be great. Thanks for taking the time to come and deliver the workshops and put together the reenactment day. Please thank the volunteers that came with you too.
Kind regards Donna

"thanks so much"
Hi Rebecca-so-enjoyed the walk-talk! Many thanks-have a good weekend! X
Hi Rebecca. Thanks so much for a brilliant bimble this evening, really enjoyed the walk and the way you invited input from Dave and Maureen as we went along, it was fabulous. Shall be keen to hear how the prospects for opening up Langley Hall progress. I’m following DREAM on Facebook but would love to receive any email newsletters you send out too.
Many thanks again!